Dean's- Flashback part 2

After she let me sit beside her, I heard alot of whispering at the back of class.

The other students were giving the two of us funny looks. I sunk in my chair, depressed. Chayera, however, looked a slightly bit more angry than upset.

The bell had rang and I waited until everyone went out of class. Except for Chayera, who was eagerly waiting for me. Chayera and I went by a park bench and began talking quite a bit as we ate our pre-packed lunch that we brought from home. We switched our packs; so instead of eating plain peanut butter sandwiches, I ended up eating unagi, sashimi with glutinous rice.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Your food is really tasty though, and I bet you were dying to eat my lunch since you were staring at it so much," she commented, giggling a little. I could only apologize a bit more and continuously thank her.

My bladder got full quite quickly.

"Chayera, be right back. I got to go to the toilet for a bit."

Chayera smiled back at me and replied, "OK."

After relieving my bladder(:P sorry, readers if you find this a bit 'unnecesary'. lol.), I was cornered by five students from class. They were the ones who were giving Chayera and I strange looks. One of them was Brian, an almost bald green haired guy who barely had any brains. (XP) Timmy(I had no name ideas) who had frizzy black hair that went all over the place. Tina who had long, purple, straight hair. Lolare who was vivacious, dark-skinned girl; and lastly, there was Phil(what horrible names :p) who was Lolare's twin.

(these characters except for Brian are absolutely UNNECESARY.)

I felt a chill rise up my spine. I was frightened. (WTH?! =P lol. sorry. XP I like making random comments.)

"Your name is Dean, right?

I stumbled a bit.

Brian: Don't think you can go doing whatever you want and sharing food with anyone you want while you are here.

Phil: Yes, you are just stupid.

Tina: Why did you have to come to class and be all 'nice'?

Phil*sweatdrops*: Tina, is that even an insult?

Tina*shouting at Phil*: SHUT UP!

Brian: OK. Both of you, zip it. Lil' worm (referring to Dean), don't scream. Just think that you shouldn't have come to this school in the first place. (0_0 Kids don't use this kind of vocabulary but.... urm.... nevermind.)

Lolare tried stopping the others, to end up having to be smacked right across the face and pushed away by Brian. "Don't result in violence!" she stuttered, and stopped when she saw Phil glaring back at her. Brian had the courtesy of kicking me first. I fell to the ground, onto my knees as they each took turns kicking and mocking me. The minutes felt like hours. 'Did I deserve this at all?' I thought to myself.

"Stop hurting Dean!" a sudden loud voice shouted across the pavement. The kicking stopped. Lolare had bent down to check on my condition but my attention was else where. Brian, Timmy, Tina and Phil were all looking at something else. Something that stood out under the brilliant sunlight. It was Chayera.

"Don't come here!" I shouted, trying to warn her away but she was too angered and stubborn to do so. Brian's eyes squinted to see and he growled at her, "Don't save him, Princess. There's no point. He is just a weakling." Brian stood still. There was a strange feeling in the atmosphere.... as though, there was an absolutely different presene.

Chayera remained standing on the spot, "I am not going to go anywhere!" Brian pouted and he commanded, "Go!" to the rest. Lolare remained by myself, carefully positioning me to sit up. My mind boggled thinking of how Chayera was going to save herself.

Chayera, her ocean blue eyes focusing straight ahead at the four others who were walking towards her. They were all smiling, knowing that there outnumbered her by four. Chayera frowned, annoyed by them. What is she going to do?

Then, Chayera stood with her hands in a clasp, as though she was praying.
'Calling the spirits of Celera and the power of the magical crown.
I channel my energy as Princess Chayera of Celera!'
A tiny blue orb began growing around her hand as she chanted.
It grew larger till it totally covered her hand. All of us stood staring at what she was doing.
Chayera opened her eyes. Her teeth began chattering nervously and her face looked anxious.

"Urm... water beam!" said Chayera as the blue orb around her hand shot out a blue streak of light. She couldn't control it.

"Stupid," muttered Brian.

Chayera stood there, her eyes wide in shock as the blue streak continued bouncing of the walls of the buildings, leaving scorch marks as they reflected off.

---end of part 2---


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