Coral's- part 2 of Deepen Conspiracy

The atmosphere was intense as I gazed into his amber red eyes.
It hadn't changed, still looking at me tenderly. I quickly glanced down, ripping away from his gaze as I knelt down to check on my little sister. It appeared, that after seeing him, the part of her memories she blocked off had been torn right through and attacked her mind.

"Cor..... cora...." mumbled Charmaine under her breath. Her voice was torn and her throat sounded dry. Charmaine was quivering in fear.

I closed my eyes as I laid a hand on her shoulder. I secretly channeled some of my energy through her to calm her down. Charmaine became still. Her hands still clutched around her head and she was like a curled up shrimp.

"Its Ok," I murmurred into Charmaine's ear. "Everything is going to be alright."

Charmaine fell unconscious as I spread her hands from her head. Everything was definitely going to be Ok. As long as Dean remembered his part of the promise.....


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