Why be discriminatory?

I won't change who I am and wouldn't ever want to anyway.
Whether it be Aboriginal, Chinese, Pakistanese, Bangladeshis, Sunnis , it does not make a difference. We're all people. One and the same.

In societies where there is freedom of speech, with exception to places in the Middle East, why should we discriminate?
It might be embedded within various natures to be biased against certain races or religion but it doesn't give us a right to. So why exactly should we carry it out in the first place?
I might be taking more of the deontologist perspective but with good reason.

Even in the Boarding House, not everything is as carefree as most might make it out to be. It's not as though we're free to speak aloud, "Hey, do you know, there's actually racism here?" as freely as we want. We know that our race and nationalities, predominantly Malaysian or Chinese, are not very favored. It appears that Malaysians always seem to get the position as Boarding House Heads. However, shouldn't it be expected?

The point of a Boarding House is to function as an alternative home away from home where foreign international students can live in another country with easy access to the school grounds; with the price we pay, we should expect at least that much. Unfortunately, sometimes... locals just don't understand it. They lack the knowledge that being locals actually has plenty more benefits than being international does.

There is also a staff who actually vocalizes statements such as, "I don't know how you Asians squat like that."
"I don't know why you Asians always wipe your feet."

Well, why don't we ask you very plainly to why all of you like baking cookies?
Or have whiter skin?
Or seem to wrinkle and age earlier than we do?

We ACCEPT you. So you ACCEPT us. You don't have to make such racist remarks!

P.S. This was written while I was extremely frustrated. Sorry if any offense. 


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