Updating... o_O

Sorry I haven't been updating my blog for the past 2 days.
Haha. It's my fault. No excuses. It's all MEEE! xP
Although I know no one visits my blog unless requested, I still try my best to be efficient.

What have I been doing?

I have been surfing youtube and the new maple animation forum I joined to find a bit more facts on how to animate better.
Now I know how to use a green screen and blue screen!
=D Such an achievement for me. I am soooo proud. Lol.
Although I haven't perfected it yet since maplesim isn't exactly cooperating with me in typing in the color code.

Your on alot. When do you study?
When I study? Right before I sleep and during school hours.
I spend too much time on animating right now. But tomorrow, I have to work on my daddy's birthday present =) . Hmm...

That's who I am for now.

By the way, this whole week of school has been having quizzes or graded stuff on every single day of the week!
Monday-Algeo 2/3, Tuesday-English Scene performance, Wednesday(today)-History Gilgamesh Test, Thursday-French Quiz on DRMRSVANDERTRAMPP verbs & Friday~My dad's birthday! -Physical Education Badminton rules quiz .

=) Don't we all love school?


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