Something way crazy happened last night. OK. this sounds like the start of one of those spams but this is not it. Just verifying as I said, my family and I were invited to Terengganu to watch Monsoon Cup by Uncle Soong, an important member of Mastercard. I am able to name all the kids there 'the late night walkers': Adrian, Chee Hong, Nicholas, Libby, Meisha(almk! 4got how to spell/Marsha?) and I. The quiet brothers: Eugene and Andrew. so I enjoyed my trip alot with these ppl an exception of course would be Eugene and Andrew. They never even talked to the rest of us. Thought they were unsociable which is totally true. Tiba-tiba, those who are pretty close to me or are my classmates(past ones from Sri Utama) must know i love writing things into my notebook and just love stationary. So I ask questionares. something like that atleast. I know a couple of Eugene's so I thought this was the Eugene Chew whom always changes email addresses and studies in New Zealand. I was mistaken when i asked because...........

Eugene: you went for the Monsoon Cup?
.......: yea, obviously.
Eugene: were you in the Mastercard room?

.......................... and it went on. I was totally freaked.............. THE EUGENE FROM THE FREAKIN TRIP?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN THAT BE??!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS DUDE WAS ON MY MSN CONTACT LIST FOR SUCH A LONG TIME. SHYT! SHYT!........................


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