:D Onion me tears

A whole bunch of us from PLC Boarding House got help out at the head building of the Salvation Army Boxhill centre. The same place that functions as church. My cousins' go for Youth Bible Reading classes every Monday there. I found it fascinating at how just months earlier, I had wished I got a chance to peek inside; and now, not only am I allowed to go in, I actually helped out there too! I felt exhilarated. I know it might sound rather weird to some but it was true. I never imagined cutting onions, or even cooking to be that exciting. I mean, I've seen plenty of people on live cooking shows but obviously that's different. Making something; then given the opportunity to eat it is so different than just simply being served.

Dicing the onions was so much fun. :) Especially whilst I got to watch Su Yee go super robotic cutting mode while I peeled and when Adele told me to change my way of pivoting the knife since she was worried for me. Such little things mean so much. ^^

Our delicious meals were:

  • spaghetti bolognaise
  • cheese macaroni pasta
  • tuna myr... what was it again
  • salad
  • dessert: chocolate mouse with fruit slices (looked more like juice to me) 

A few of the general tasks I saw people doing were the following:

  1. Cooking the meat and mixing them - Angie Judd & Jess Gong
  2. Moulding cookie dough (a general crowd)
  3. Baking the cookie dough (a general crowd) - I saw Megan, Georgie
  4. Packing the cookies into cute transparent plastic bags and tied with silvery plastic ribbons -Emily Fischer, Su Yee & a little girl
  5. Onion dicers - Myself :D , Sarah, Su Yee, Xinye, Adele & Ching Yi (according to order where we were standing at the front counter). How entertaining we must have been. 
  6. Serving dinner- Kare, Katherine, Emily Fischer, Adele
  7. Serving pasta off counter- Evelyn, Su Yee, Georgie etc. 
& lots more! 
HUGE/ENORMOUS CREDITS to Mrs. William's & Ms. Harvey for introducing, organizing and having us, PLC Boarders' help!

Yvonne is here now, everything is better now <3
=_=" That's what she says. She's not even here permanently anymore. She's one to talk.
My room seems to be building up on stuff. A slightly bit disconcerting. I'm supposing I'm building a lot stuff back this term. ;) Gotta clear out my stock before I have to leave next year. Time passes so fast. 


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