Religion. You and I are not alone.

I constantly have to remind myself that people don't think like me. They don't put as much of effort or thought or carrying out that extra step. The same excuses always arise but for me, I still do it even if the same are there.

My sense of responsibility is strong and when I give trust, I give it so strongly that the moment I smell a lie, I remember it like this lingering pain in my temple that never ceases to go away.

My heart aches over the frustration but I know it's something that I cannot control. It is another person. A being and a life form completely different to myself; whose values, morals and sense of responsibility differs. But this does not stop the pain or the hurt. The hurt of being able to change or do anything. Instead, I often find myself bearing the burden myself. That caring shadow in my mind which is actually an imaginary figure in mind, exists only in that single dimension that somehow never emerges into reality no matter how I wish for it to be.

Regardless there is always once sanctuary. That one sanctuary that is there that atleast is not only something in my own mind but shared with millions of others. Religion.

The atheists might say religion is folly and merely is the weakness of man conveying its faults, lapsed dreams and weakness to a matter or being beyond their own control. An Almighty that dictates the role of each and every living specimen on this planet. But who can blame men in this case? Isn't it much better to find something to believe in to gain strength than remain weak, stubborn and angry at circumstances in life beyond our own control.

Religion or belief or faith is not folly, not a lie and not a cover up of the harsh realities of life. It is a declaration of life. A way of living. A rule to keep living and grow stronger.


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