Books are for reading

Time of entry: 1am 
Date of entry: 29 February 2012 
Message: The Lord would not let me rest without having written this entry on paper or on whatever writing material was present around me. 

Our heart lies in the present of all we know and have come to understand. My mind would not let me rest which is why I write, speak and say this to you.

Writing is a form of speech; and every speech is an art.
As a collection of words, so many meanings can be measured and I truly believe we can learn and comprehend through those words. As we learn from the past, the future can learn from us. 

The words etched in books are keepsakes, memories passed on; whether it be a fictional or non-fictional book. So much time was a spent into writing the book. Every word and thought are laid out in care almost like a never endless seeming woven pattern. When you pick a book, consider its value through its content, not only its cover. 

Books are a channel of perspectives that is a journey, a travel, a play where some moments recounted flash by your eyes like a vivid memory of a film. So when you read a book, imagine it like a film; even if it doesn't have any pictures, every sound and syllable is a voice, a murmur or even a whisper. 

The books call out to you as you walk past shelves like hungry little school children they plead for attention. Plead for a reader. Plead for someone to remember. Plead for someone, everyone to notice its values and pick them up.  


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