Parents I

Oh, boy aren't you lucky to not have a parent screaming into your ear.
To be honest, I think I need to play a lower key when I'm with my parents now. Any little thing I tend to mention tends to get them running down a highway of extravagant-excessive-ranting or what they consider 'valid advice' when all they tend to be doing is unnecessarily repeating what I or we already know. We all have our own pace, ain't I correct?

& like many others, I hardly enjoy hearing them pressure or stress me in one ear as I try to concentrate and do work in the next. Honestly! What in the world drives parents is beyond what I should know and if they ever do find this blog of mind and comment on it in anyway, well, I'll just let it be.

A blog is a place where I or we should be able to express private and intimate thoughts. Thinking about it now, I should use my parents iPhones and remove this email address of mine from their contact details. Besides, they can't even remember their own email addresses anyway, I doubt they would remember mine if they never bothered writing or recording it down anywhere. My mum even asked me how do I find peoples' blogs whilst giving me the 'Oh how do you know when I don't?' look as we were conversing today over Lunch. =_=" How I know pal is the comparison of youth and breaching elderly stages of life.

I always feel as though I'm under a constant onslaught as I'm questions about my academic comings and goings. Yes, my parents are traditional alright. Very traditional. Even if they might say they are slightly bit more into the comings and goings of the modern world since they view both my brother and I equally eventhough he's elder and of the once-believed male dominant species/gender. Crikes! I thought the world had already gone way past that stage around half a century back (first world countries. I know the conditions are different for second and third world countries.).

Bluntly stated, children are what keep parents sane whilst parents are what make children go insane. :]


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