Poem of the Bright

A single bright moment,
Can light a spark,
Infusing a blend of appreciation, excitement and happiness.
Each moment in our life holds a feeling;
A memory,
Songs convey this through melody, tone and voice;
Photographs convey this through tone, shade and composition;
Words convey this through understanding, explanation and belief;
Unravelling the knots that tie our creativity,
That once let loose can never be bound back,
Revealing the emotions you once contained,
Blessing upon you the gift to believe yet again;
To see everything like nothing you ever have before.
The views you would have of the grass so green,
The sky so blue,
And the horizons in myriad blends,
Would never be the same again.

Live life as it should be lived. Cherish life as it should be cherished. Appreciate the gifts that are blessed upon you. And believe in all that the Lord has given you.

Evelyn Wong~Ocean Lover


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