Rant Concept

At the back of my mind, I keep remembering what my English teacher has to say.
Life is about living happy and comfortable, not just about achievement or success but just being satisfied with ourselves.

Today in class, our class leaded by the magnificent Mr. Downie, was to discuss about: Letting Ourselves Down. Most in the class (actually only 3 members of our official 'class' spoke: Siobhan, Phoebe and Sarla) had said that it would actually affect us a lot more if people close to us told us that 'we let ourselves down'.
1 question guys, why would anyone we know or anyone at all tell US that WE let OURSELVES down?
1 statement: It doesn't make sense.
How does another person other than ourselves know our own expectations, dreams and hopes.

Did the humans in the world get replaced by mind-readers while I had been asleep? Or empaths?
Bizzare indeed.

Sigh. I'm still gravely dissapointed over my swimming times and plan to literally kill myself back in MY with training. x3 Hopefully I can go to RLC to train. D: I want to play badminton and table tennis so bad as well. Wouldn't mind trying archery and bowling if I go out with Nicole and all. :)

Nicole Tham, Yuen Mei Wan, Evelyn Wong
Alright, back to my concept and theories:

Now, being dissapointed with myself/letting myself down can be expressed by my feelings after the swimming times.
I know it can't be helped since I don't train. I suppose I should. =.=" Woops.

My current major issue now is:

I don't freaking believe in just achievements or 'resume' listed items alone.
For some reason, I feel the current Duke of Edinburgh system to feel so 'artificial'. WTH. It's another I.B. =_="
I find it frustrating how people hardly 'live' nowadays, focusing on just 'resume' labelled items alone.
I suppose I'm a hypocrite, seeing that I support and accept both views but I hardly think it's right to be goal orientated alone. (OH GOSH. SPEAKING TO MYSELF AFTER SCHOOL BEFORE BADMINTON IS A LOT BETTER THAN TYPING OUT NOW)

I'd rather see the creative side of things, which is why I'm really envious of those who are able to 'dream'; such as Marianne Johnston in the boarding house. I'm a 'balanced' person you see... so I am pathetically not extremely talented in one thing. =_=" Even if I wish I was.
My personality reveals extremes but talent wise, makes extremes out of any of the options.

CAN WE STOP TALKING ABOUT OURSELVES? -kills the 'I' in the rant blogpost-

What happened to simple 'communication in this world?'


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