A President to admire

What touched me the most during the AGM, was that when Natalie said her speech, she made mention of all of us in her committe of 2012/2013.
It upset me to know that both assistant secretary/treasurer were not re-running again this time round despite being so good at their jobs. But that, alas, is the fate of every committee and group. It is always changing. People cannot be bound together forever.
She thanked Clarence, the eldest and most senior in the committee; Karmunn, the Mama Tham and without a doubt, Jaykerr who has been there every step of the way with her. I have never seen such a beautiful heartfelt partnership between two people in real-life before and it touched me to know I was part of it. The executives in the MUMSU committee 2012/2013 were all admirable and people I deeply respect.

Man, I'm happy I was part of the committee of 2012/2013. What surprised me a little was when she even managed to mention me. I was said to be, "the most hard working first year representative" she has ever met. At that point, all eyes from both side of the hall turned to me, who (as eager as I was) was seated in the centremost aisle and front row in Rotunda 6 -- this directly faced the speaker stand. I blushed, light clapped and felt so touched that my efforts were noticed.

Leaders are truly incredible and Natalie is one of them. She is able to see the weaknesses and strengths of all the members of committee and she doesn't try to ignore it, she acknowledges it and does her best to make use of those strengths. She has sacrificed a lot for MUMSU and I wouldn't have wanted to be under any other person as President this year. Haha. However, I am aware that if it was anyone else, I would not be able to make the comparison.

Oh, as Sam was making his presidential speech, he mentioned "first year rep: Evelyn" too when making how he wanted to make a difference and pay attention to every member in his committee, from executives to the first year rep. At this point, I was aware that people would most likely remember and probably vote for me when it was my turn to speak for the position of Treasurer. However to me, it wasn't the increased likelihood of people voting for me, but the very acknowledgement of my existence that was touching. What is great in my seniors, is that none of them looked down on me eventhough my position, is essentially not as clear cut as any of theirs. Only one of them did at a point, but I know she did not mean any harm when she said it.

I am a first year undergraduate student in my second semester studying the Bachelor of Commerce at Monash university and I want to make a difference. Thank you. 


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