Early Feb 2013 Cover Photos

Yeah... so as you might know. I have not exactly been following the resolution I made at the start of the new year where I am meant to post a single self-made poster per day so I'm catching up. I have only posted 1/39 pictures I need so far.

I will write a bit about each of the pictures I post up and how it relates to me as a person. Unfortunately, it will take a while before I can catch up to a proper day-to-day post.

The following images are recent cover photos I have made in the early part of February 2013 for respective individuals. It was more of a spur of the moment sort of thing. However, some are met with dislike and disregard so I try not to expect much when I make these cover photos.

I'm not a hand drawing artist. I gave up on that idea long ago, since I don't have much of an inclination to pick up a pencil or something to draw in moments when I am bored.

Date: February 3, 2013
Recipient: Tiffany Harding
Response: :(

Date: February 1, 2013
Recipient: Myself
Response: I like it. :P 

Date: February 3, 2013
Recipient: Juanlin Yip 
Response: Humor

Program Utilized: Adobe Photoshop CS3, Paint 


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